
治疗身体 & 灵魂

2019年7月1日 - 9分钟阅读


以免减弱 walks in a legacy of godliness and care for others that was embodied in her father’s life. 为他, 这意味着在他们的祖国埃塞俄比亚成为神学教授, 然后在康考迪亚欧文. 对米塞克来说,这条道路是在医学领域. She recently earned her medical degree from UC Irvine and a master’s degree in public health from Harvard University. 她现在前往康奈尔大学进行外科实习.

我们的目标, 她说, 是用她所得到的一切来帮助那些无法获得医疗服务的人, 特别是在非洲.

米塞克说:“我觉得自己一直在探索. “我问上帝的问题是,‘我的目的是什么?“我知道我是有福的, 享有特权,拥有很多人都希望拥有的机会, 我需要找到一种方法来最大限度地回报我所获得的机会.”

The family’s journey to 欧文康考迪亚大学 began with her father’s spiritual awakening when he was in high school, 这让他的许多亲戚感到震惊. Eshetu Abate was a brilliant student and scored so high on academic tests that Ethiopia’s emperor, 海尔·塞拉西一世, 访问了他的学校(位于亚的斯亚贝巴以南7小时车程的农村地区), 并赏给他一块金表. But rather than train for leadership in the communist Derg regime which later governed the country, Miseker’s father pursued theological study and was taken under the wing of Norwegian missionaries who gave him a scholarship to attend Mekane Yesus Seminary in Addis. 1988年,他在圣何塞的康考迪亚神学院获得博士学位. 路易.

“很多人劝他留在美国.S. 因为金正日政权的剧变, 但他回到了亚的斯亚贝巴的神学院当教授, 然后作为院长,米塞克说.

这就是我开始考虑传教工作的原因. 我不能像这里一切正常一样继续下去. 我知道我需要好好利用我得到的机会.


整个斯堪的纳维亚半岛和她的母亲, Amarech, 继续在教会和社会中教导和倡导赋予妇女权力. 当他们搬回埃塞俄比亚时, the sharp differences between first-world and third-world conditions caught young Miseker’s attention.

“挪威与亚的斯亚贝巴非常不同, 这让我很震惊,一个问题一直萦绕在我的脑海里,她说。. “我想了解为什么存在这种差异, 但当时我还太年轻,无法深入研究这个问题,也没有纠结太多. 这些问题搁置了一段时间. 我以为我会继续在埃塞俄比亚生活.”


几年后,这家人永久搬到了尔湾. 阿巴特成为了欧文康考迪亚大学的神学教授. 对米塞克来说,这种转变极其艰难.

“来到这里开始新生活,感觉像是一种损失,”她回忆道. “留下你所知道的一切, 你开始想念你的家人,然后你突然意识到这是永远. 我一直在问,‘为什么这是我的生活?’”

She experienced something akin to survivor’s guilt for having so many opportunities while many in Ethiopia did not.

“这就是我开始考虑传教工作的原因,”她说. “我想成为像我父亲一样的神学家. 我不能像这里一切正常一样继续下去. 我知道我需要好好利用我得到的机会. People were welcoming in Irvine, and I had friends, but it was never like this was my life. 当你在一个不同的地方长大,你不能忽视它.”

她的父亲建立了两个教堂, 在长滩和洛杉矶, 同时也在欧文的康考迪亚大学任教. 她的母亲, 谁获得了宗教研究的哲学硕士和神学的文学学士学位, 曾在亚的斯亚贝巴神学院担任妇女研究教授. She remained deeply involved in local ministry and worked to create leadership opportunities for young women in the church and society in Ethiopia, while advocating against harmful cultural traditions like early marriage and labor inequality.

康考迪亚教授. 迈克尔·杨博士. Ken Ebel和Dr. 约翰·肯尼对我所做的一切都有帮助.

米塞克在康考迪亚大学读本科的时候, cancer began stealing her father’s life away and she was was faced with the choice of dropping classes to be with him, 或者继续学习,错过了生命中最后的时刻.

她向 Dr. 约翰·肯尼她的分析化学教授.

“我们一起聊天,一起祈祷, 我说有很多学期你可以重修这门课, 但只有这一次,你可以留在你父亲的床边,” Dr. 肯尼记得. 我提醒她,我们做事的顺序是上帝优先, 然后是我们的家庭, 然后我们的职业生涯, 在她上学的那个阶段. 我说,‘这是一个神圣的不完整. 你这么做是有充分理由的. 这是比班级更高的召唤. 去你父亲的床边. 然后,回来完成课程.’”

米塞克就是这么做的, 休学一学期和父亲一起走过父亲生命的最后阶段.

“康科迪亚就像一个家,”米塞克说. “这太重要了,我很感激康科迪亚家族. 那是一个非常好的社区. 安德森牧师博士. 玛丽·斯科特和他们都很支持我.”

Dr. 肯尼博士说. 阿巴特是“一个不可思议的人.”

“他是一个圣洁的人,这是我能说的最好的说法,”肯尼说. “He radiated the love of God to everyone around him and had a way of saying your name in a way that honored you. 米塞克也有同样的超自然光芒. 以任何标准衡量,她都是绝对优秀的, 但她的决定性特征是她的超自然能力, 从她身上散发出神圣的光辉.”

一位住院医师面试官问我最自豪的是什么, 我回答是康考迪亚欧文分校,因为它造就了今天的我, 的老手.

Miseker had already decided to take her father’s recommendation to pursue medicine instead of theology, which he believed would allow her to have a practical impact while ministering the word of God. 康考迪亚教授. 迈克尔·杨博士. Ken Ebel和Dr. 约翰·肯尼迪“对我所做的一切都很有帮助,”她说. “我非常感谢赌博十大平台排行的所有教授.

I got a lot of research opportunities and people to mentor me and believe in me when I mentioned my big dreams. 它让我不断奋斗,永不止步.”

赌博十大平台排行毕业拿到学位后 生物学 辅修了 化学, Miseker returned to her father’s hometown in Ethiopia for six months to volunteer at the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons.

“我已经决定要吃药了,我正在想办法回去帮助别人, 以什么身份,米塞克说. “我非常喜欢这样做. 我住在我姑姑的一所老房子里, 走回那个村庄,你会看到很多流浪儿童. 每次我经过,他们都知道我不是本地人,就跟着我. 有时我带他们去餐馆吃饭. 很多人的四肢都断了, 那些真正需要医疗保健却得不到的人.”

我们一起聊天,一起祈祷, 我说有很多学期你可以重修这门课, 但只有这一次,你可以留在你父亲的床边.

Dr. Kenney wrote a letter of recommendation for her medical school application and she received a full-tuition scholarship to UC Irvine medical school. 在第一年, 她计划让十个UCI医学院的学生去埃塞俄比亚做超声波检查. 他们筹集了30美元,000, 买了两台超声波机, held a feeding event for 300 children with a local restaurant and volunteered at a hospital to train 200 medical students in ultrasound use over six weeks.


在医学院的时候, 米塞克轮岗接受创伤外科培训, 心脏手术, 使用机器人进行微创手术, 还有更多. After three years she took one year off to earn a master’s degree in public health from Harvard on a presidential scholarship. 她拒绝了约翰霍普金斯大学和耶鲁大学类似项目的邀请.

“That was the best year ever, the pinnacle of meeting every person I wanted to work with,她说。. “我所有的同事都有很大的梦想. Sometimes you talk about things you want to change in this world and people look at you like, “你不能这么做.这一次,每当我提出一个想法,每个人都争先恐后地去实现它.”

哈佛大学证实了她想从事全球外科手术的愿望, and she enjoyed the opportunity to work with the ministries of health in Ethiopia and Rwanda on curriculum development for new medical schools. 她回到UCI完成她的医学学位,并邀请了Dr. 邀请她在教堂举行的毕业典礼上讲话.

当面试外科住院医师项目时, 米塞克总是带着一些特别的东西:她的康科迪亚文件夹.

一位住院医师面试官问我最自豪的是什么, 我回答是康考迪亚欧文分校,因为它造就了今天的我, 的老手,米塞克说. "让我成功的一切都是因为协和女神.”

She still carries her Concordia folder to every important meeting “because it reminds me of the start,她说。. “它把所有东西都放在一起.”

She chose to do her residency at Cornell University because of its focus on global surgery, where surgeons work to increase access to safe and affordable surgical care for people in developing nations.

I think you’re going to see Miseker make a major impact in both medicine and Christian spirituality.

“It’s about creating a systematized plan for how to expand surgical services in these countries,米塞克说. “I want to utilize my master’s of public health in the global surgery realm and continue to practice in the operating room, 专攻器官

发展中国家无法获得医疗服务,并不是因为没有有能力的人, 而是因为缺乏机会, 除其他原因外.

米塞克说:“作为埃塞俄比亚裔美国人,我有着独特的地位. “我觉得有了适当的努力和祈祷, I can help bridge the gap between the numerous talented and creative people overseas and those who want to give them opportunities.

In developing countries there are not a lot of opportunities even for the smartest or those who work incredibly hard. 我想找到改善的方法.”

在她闲暇的时候, Miseker has completed two full marathons and taught kick-boxing classes at a local fitness center during med school. 她的母亲 works at Concordia Irvine in administrative services and has continued to travel the world to lead workshops and conferences on theology, 赋予非洲妇女权力, 以及路德教会如何能做得更好
让人们融入非洲文化. 在家里, she has served as director of the Board of Elders and Deaconess at the Ethiopian Lutheran Church Mekane Yesus.

米塞克说:“没有妈妈,我哪儿也去不了。. “她是我认识的最强壮的人类. 她一直是我们的基石.”

One of Miseker’s younger brothers went to Stanford and works for 脸谱网 as a programmer. 另一个是进入高中.

在康奈尔大学, Miseker hopes to spend time at the World Health Organization in Geneva to learn more about expanding surgical access in African countries. 她父亲的榜样继续激励着她克服挑战.

“I think you’re going to see Miseker make a major impact in both medicine and Christian spirituality,肯尼说。. “我觉得她并没有完全意识到自己有多特别. 她是那种可以扭转整个国家局势的人, 或者彻底改变非洲的医疗保健和精神护理.”
